Saturday, June 6, 2015

55 Figures from 7th Grade History

Great way to introduce all the famous figures that students will learn about throughout the year. 

This download includes both the PowerPoint with the answers and various versions of the handout (in PDF and MS WORD format)

Students follow along to fill in the names of 55 historical figures that are likely to come up in a 7th grade History Curriculum (Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, etc.). This can be done at the beginning of the year as an introduction, or at the end of the year for a review. Students can complete on their own for homework, or follow along to fill in the names. Enjoy!

Use slide 3 as a handout if you want students to fill out the 55 figures without any clues

Use slide 4 as a handout if you want students to fill out the 55 figures Using clues

Use slide 5 if you want to display all of the answers to the class

Use slide 6 if you want to display one answer at a time (to allow for discussion, participation, guessing, etc.)

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