Monday, May 11, 2015

AVID Facts of the Week (REVISED AND EXPANDED FOR 2015-2016)

This donwload includes a PowerPoint with 36 digestible fast-facts that encourage students to stay in school and go on to higher education. All slides are designed with text and visuals to promote discussion and provoke thought.

The AVID facts-of-the-week discuss topics like: school, universities, scholarships, jobs, the achievement gap, and opportunities in America.  

Our school reads one fact for the school bulletin each morning, selecting a new 'AVID fact-of-the-week' for each week of school. This resource can be read each morning during the student bulletin or school news...can be discussed weekly in homeroom class...or can be posted weekly in an AVID classroom...or any other classroom for that matter :). Enjoy!

download now!

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